The highlight of Chris's weekend was not the cherry blossoms, but a new sushi bar discovery we made on Saturday night. I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty excited too! This sushi bar had such a relaxing and chilled atmosphere, and the taste of the sushi was similar to what we have back home. I'm so curious what the sushi will be like in Japan. When we were planning to come to Korea, we thought that the sushi would be amazing. However, after arriving and trying out a few sushi restaurants, we decided that the sushi in the states was what we preferred. I guess Japan will be the true and ultimate test of sushi. I'm really hoping that the "real deal" is more like the stuff from back home, but I'm guessing Korea has taken some tips from it's neighbor. Don't worry, I'll be sure to give you all the down low on what we think of true Japanese sushi....I'm sure it will be wonderful!!!
The only other news I have is something that the world probably has absolutely no interest in hearing, but sometimes I have to include memories of Korea that I want to preserve for myself. As we were out and about this weekend we saw a girl who is a new employee at our school. OK...we saw her, but she didn't see us :) I'm not gonna mention her name. However, she seems nice, but I don't really talk to her much. The funny thing is she always seems to be clinging and flirting with whatever guy is around or giving them some kind of really uncomfortable seductive eye...YES, at work!!! I guess I shouldn't be surprised that when we saw her she was again hanging on to the arm of some guy, and not any of the guys from our school! I say all of this not to point fingers at one particular person, but to leave myself with a reminder of how Korea and it's culture (eight months in) is still a mystery to me. Korea claims to be a reserved culture, but females wear little to no clothes, there's one park in particular dedicated to the anatomy of the male body (if ya know what I mean), and couples are extremely affectionate in public and I'm talking young couples. Maybe my perspective is off, but I just don't sense that the culture is anymore reserved than back home.
I'll leave you with my favorite picture from the weekend. This little boy was so cute with his rice cake. His mom kept trying to take pictures of him, but he just wanted to stare at us foreigners... PRECIOUS!
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