I'm so excited because I'm blogging for the first time using my own Internet!!! I'm sitting on my couch (not at the cold window) which was the only place I could pick up wireless prior to getting my own. It's wonderful!!! I woke up this morning and watched a movie online without having to endure pauses every 5 minutes. This is an important purchase that I should have made as soon as I got to Korea, but what can I say? I am my parents child, and yes, they both have instilled in me an importance for thriftiness. However, that being said, I'm sure both of my parents will be pleased as this should make communication even more simple!!!
On the Korean home front we have a major cold front passing through. We're on our second vacation in the past month, both of which the weather has been terrible. We are celebrating the Lunar New Year with the eastern world this week. School is out, and the majority of businesses will be closed for the next few days. So, we are left with not a lot to do. O well, we've decided to sit around and be very lazy during this break. Thankfully, we will be using the handy dandy world wide web to catch up on all the new releases from the states. As boring as it may sound... I'm gonna be honest...I love staying home and just watching a good movie! Our travels are being postponed until our next break. Chris and I both hate the cold weather. So, we couldn't justify traveling at this time of the year, knowing that we wouldn't get out and see as much as we possibly could because of the cold. We've scheduled some "personal time" off in the spring, and hopefully the weather will be nice at that point, and we will go exploring more in Korea and Asia.
I didn't really have real news for you guys. Just wanted to say hi, and let everyone know that I have real Internet now.

새해복 많이 받으세요!
( Sae-hae-bok ma-ni pa-dŭ-se-yo)
Happy Lunar New Year!
~Am :)